Mike Vallone, deceased |
Gettysburg Battlefield Guide |
Our good friend, Mike, passed away in 2017 after a battle
with cancer. A memorial service was held for him
at the Peach Orchard on the Gettysburg Battlefield in October 2017, where his ashes were scatterd. There are no words to THANK Michael for his contribution to the history of the Hunterstown
Battle. His intense research was the envy of many. A true historian! And my dear friend!
~ Laurie Harding
Artifacts and Relics found in Hunterstown... |
Curtesy of the Hunterstown Historical Society |
Frank Thomas and Joe Matthews |
Members of Hunterstown Historical Society |
"By developing relationships and friendships,
the organization will become even stronger."
Local Historian, Mrs. Linda Cleveland |
Deceased |
Dean Shultz, Land Conservancy of Adams County |
November '07 Tour of Tate Farm |
Re-enactment of a gruesome event... |
Dead soldiers awaiting transport to local train station |
Ed Bearss, Civil War Historian, deceased |
On a Recent Visit to the Tate Farm, November '07 |
Roger and Laurie Harding/Tate Farm |
Photo by Bill Dowling |
General Grant and Julia.... |
...at the Historic GAR Hall in Gettysburg |
Actor Steven Alexander and wife Sandy as... |
General Custer and Libby at the Tate Farm |
Jared Frederick, Artist at American Historical Art |
With Les Fowler & Maggie Abbott-Fowler..York St GB |
Confederate Canon Group |
2006 Tour |
Grand Rapids/Holland-Zeeland Rountable Members |
At the Jacob Grass Hotel |