Hunterstown Battlefield, Pennsylvania
The Historic Tate Farm
This restored farmhouse and formal gardens were the scene of trade with the Indians and settlers along Beaver
Dam Creek and later part of the Gettysburg Campaign. On July 2, 1863 Union and Confederate cavalry collided head on here.
George Washington had his horse shod
at the farm's blacksmith shop on his return from queling the Whiskey Rebellion in October
of 1794.
The outbuildings at the Tate Farm are original: a summer kitchen with walk
in fireplace, a granary, spring house, carriage house, garden shed, outhouse, stable, and large barn with
a cannonball hole.
Our Thanks to Historic Gettysburg-Adams County! |
Journey Through Hallowed Grounds ...
Tate family photos courtesy of Lorene Tate Landis |
Generations of Tates lived in this farmhouse... |
William Ambrose Tate, Born 1851 |
Mary Eliz. Meckley Tate, Born 1857, with son John Wm. |
John W. Tate, Born 1878 |
Alverta S. Tate, Born 1880 |
Claire and Bessie Tate |
Last Tates to live and own the farm. |
Last Tate to grow up in the house. |
Lorene Tate Landis, with husband Jack. |
Tate Blacksmith Shop |
by Edwin L. Green, Williamsburg, VA June, 2011 |
Photo courtesy of Adams County Historical Society |
The Tate Blacksmith Shop along the Beaver Dam Creek |
"Another tale of this trip is that when Washington reached the small stream at Hunterstown, near Tate's
blacksmith shop there was a halt; the cause of same does not appear in a very authentic way. The people of Hunterstown picture
him near the clear sparkling stream at that point. It may have been a horse had cast a shoe or there was a rest on account
of heavy roads and that President Washington was attracted by the bright little stream. One account of this journey says the
latter portion of it was through deep roads and a three days rain. There have been those who have contended that this journey in 1794 is more traditional
than fact. It is said that both Henry J. Stable and Edward McPherson were convinced of the truth not only of the journey but
of the many stories told of it. It as been more recently declared that entries made by General George Washington in his diary
establish as fact the truth as above given." Exerpt of "Memoir
of John Jacob Eyster," 2 Volumes, (1782-1959), Also "Star & Sentinel," Sept. 2, 1875, Also "Gettysburg
Compiler," March 9, 1904 Information sent to Hunterstown Historical
Society by Dr. Charles Gladfelter, Adams County Historical Society (Fall 2010)
Gettysburg "Witness Tree" |
90 feet tall |
Witness Tree ... September 10, 2009 White Ash located on the Historic Tate Farm, in Hunterstown, PA. Circumference @ 12' 7" Height @ 94' Crown
Spread 72' Age Estimate: 231.0 years old in
2009 Started growth as a seedling in 1779. Tree was standing both in 1794 when George Washington stopped at the
Beaver Dam Creek which runs directly to the right of it, and on July 2, 1863 at the time of the Battle of Hunterstown, part
of the Gettysburg Campaign. Information was gathered and documented by Historic Gettysburg's Bruce Kile, retired
Tate Barn and Blacksmith Shop / by Louis Francesco |
Jeb Stuart's cavalry marched right through the Tate Farm |
Tate Farm Barn, circa 1740 |
Barn #10 listed on HGAC's Barn Survey |
Civil War Trails Plaque / Tate Farm |
Dedicated in 2009 |
four-miles northeast of Gettysburg, was the scene of a relatively small but significant engagement on July 2, 1863, at the
height of the Battle of Gettysburg. It has come to be known as the North Cavalry Field. Union Brigadier Generals E. Farnsworth
and George A. Custer were in search of the left rear of the Confederate forces. CSA Brig. General Wade Hampton moved into
place on the Hunterstown Road to block any Union efforts to maneuver behind Lee's lines. Custer and Hampton met at 4 PM and
the fight continued until 11 PM thanks to Custer's plan to trap them on the road. The battle was strategically important because
it prevented the Confederates from taking a position behind Union lines. Custer's
horse fell on him during the fight. The course of history was altered when Norville Churchill freed him and saw him to safety.
A memorial dedicated to Custer is on the main road. www.hunterstown1863.com A number of structures have survived and a tour of Hunterstown is like stepping into the 1860s. The Historic District
is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Grass Hotel was constructed in the 1700s and served as Kilpatrick's
headquarters for the duration of the battle. Custer received his orders here and the door remains battle scarred. Nearby the
17th-century Conewago Presbyterian Church functioned as a Confederate hospital during the Civil War. Tate Farm, Barn and Blacksmith Shop have numerous claims to historic status. George Washington stopped
here in 1794 on his way home from Pittsburgh to have his horse shod and in 1863 it was at the center of the battle. Oral history
has it that the farm was a stop on the Underground Railroad and legends point to the fact that there was a tunnel that ran
from the farm to the Grass Hotel."
By Renée S. Gordon, "The Philadelphia Sunday"
New Custer Monument ... Dedicated July 2008 |
Located on the corner of RT 394 & Hunterstown Road |
Paintings by Edwin L Green, Williamsburg, VA |
The Historic Tate Farm |
Several of the farm's ten out buildings |
PA, a quaint little Civil War era village near Gettysburg, has recently been declared a National Historic Site and as such
is listed as endangered. There is a serious effort underway to preserve the area and the many treasures that still exist there.
These watercolors, commissioned by Laurie and Roger Harding, are of the houses in Hunterstown which were standing during the
fierce cavalry engagement of July 2, 1863. It is the Harding's and my own fervent hope that they will call attention to a
story which is often overshadowed by the immensity of the struggle which took place five miles away at Gettysburg. The paintings
will have served their purpose if they encourage others to work toward preserving what is so easily lost forever." Edwin
L. Green, Artist, Williamsburg, VA. PO Box 744, Toano, Virginia
23168 (757-566-1582)
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