"Here you can’t help but feel the heart beat of the past and imagine
those who walked and rode these once dusty roads."
Linda Cleveland, Historian
Hunterstown Historic District, in Adams County, has been placed on the National
Register of Historic Places. Situated about 4 miles northeast of Gettysburg, the district was cited as an example
of an early 19th century post village.
"Hotel Hunterstown", now known as "The Jacob Grass Hotel". The hotel was used as Judson Kilpatrick's headquarters during the Battle of Hunterstown, July 2nd, 1863. It was in this very hotel that General George Armstrong
Custer received his orders "to charge" the Confederate line on Hunterstown Road.
The Reliance Mine and Milling Company |
This old photo of the Reliance Mining and Milling Company gold mine in Hunterstown shows Paris Erb outside his business establishment. It has
been said the streets of Hunterstown "are paved with gold."
"York Street" |
Hunterstown, PA. |
Hunterstown, formerly called Woodstock, is one of the oldest towns in the country. It was settled
in 1741 by David Hunter, a Revolutionary War soldier, for whom the town was named.
The Tate Farm Blacksmith Shop |
Where George Wahington stopped in October of 1794. |
are many other historical points to make about Hunterstown such as its early status as a rival with Gettysburg
for the county seat, a stopping point for President George Washington during the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, an important early crossroads town, and site of a substantial Confederate hospital."
Troy Harman, Park Ranger and Historian
Goldsborough Sanitarium |
Hunterstown, PA. |
The Old Red Bridge |
Hunterstown, PA. |